The Secret to Increasing Your Business’ Social Media Engagement

As a business owner or social media manager, it is important to know how to engage with your target audience. After all, engagement can help businesses build relationships with their customers and increase brand awareness by reaching a larger audience. Additionally, engagement helps improve search engine optimisation and drives more website traffic which leads to increased sales. Another way to increase search engine optimisation was discussed in our blog, How Often Should I Update My Website?, so, to improve your business’ ranking, be sure to click on the blog and learn about how Google evaluates your online content.  

The key to achieving greater engagement on social media is crafting content that resonates with your target audience. By understanding what interests and motivates them, and creating content that appeals to those interests, you can more effectively engage with potential customers. To create content that resonates, consider the following:  

Use Eye-Catching Graphics

One of the best ways to stand out on social media is by using eye-catching graphics. People are visual creatures, and brightly coloured or creative images will help your posts get noticed in a sea of text-based content. In fact, a recent study found that posts with powerful images average 94% more views as opposed to posts without them. Using visuals helps to break up the text and make it more visually appealing, thus making it easier to digest and understand.

In addition, eye-catching graphics are essential for creating a cohesive aesthetic on your social media channels that will draw people in and keep them engaged. Using graphics is a great way to break up information-heavy posts and make them more digestible for your audience. If you have a lot of data you want to share, try using infographics or data visualizations to make it easier for people to understand.  

Ask Questions 

Asking questions is a great way to encourage engagement on social media – especially if you offer an incentive for people who respond. Asking questions on social media is a great way to increase engagement and build relationships with your followers. It gives people the opportunity to share their opinions, have meaningful conversations, and form deeper connections with your brand. Plus, it’s an easy way for you to get valuable feedback from your customers about your products or services.

Asking questions on social media also shows that you’re paying attention and genuinely care about your followers. People will be more likely to engage with your content if they feel heard and appreciated. So don’t be afraid to ask questions and start conversations! It could help you create a loyal, engaged community around your brand. For example, you could run a contest where people have to comment on your post to enter, or you could ask people to answer a question in the comments and then choose one randomly to receive a prize.  

Use Polls and Surveys 

Polls and surveys are a great way to engage with your audience and learn what they think about your product or service. By asking questions, you can get valuable feedback that helps you better tailor content to their interests. You can also use this data to create blog posts or infographics that will be of interest to your followers. Not only will they appreciate being asked for their input, but they’ll also be more likely to share this content with their networks. 

Additionally, polls and surveys help build relationships by creating an opportunity for dialogue between you and your followers. This is not only beneficial for gaining insights, but it also encourages community building and loyalty. Moreover, polls and surveys can be used to measure the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives and track changes in consumer sentiment. With a deeper understanding of how people feel about your brand or service, you can better adjust your strategy for maximum success. Ultimately, incorporating polls and surveys into your social media strategy can be a great way to increase engagement, foster relationships with your followers, and gain valuable insights into their preferences. 

Host a Contest or Giveaway  

People love free stuff, so hosting a contest or giveaway is a great way to get your followers talking about your brand. By giving away something of value, you can spark conversations around your brand, encourage people to share it with their friends, and ultimately attract more followers. Plus, it’s an easy and fun way to reward loyal fans who already engage with your content. As Liam Quinn notes, one way to make your competitions fun is by tying them to social events.

For example, you can tie your competitions to events, such as Valentine’s day or other major public holidays. All of this adds up to increased engagement and a larger following on social media, which can help you grow your business in the long run. Make sure to promote the contest or giveaway across all your social media channels and be sure to include clear instructions on how to enter. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase engagement with your existing followers.  

Use Video Content 

Investing in quality video content is a surefire way to boost your social media engagement and get the most out of your campaigns. Video content is incredibly popular right now, so it’s a great way to engage with your audience on social media. Live videos are especially effective at driving engagement, as they allow people to ask questions and interact with you in real-time. You can also use video content to give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your business or take them along on company outings or events. Additionally, video content is more likely to be shared and get likes and comments, making it a great way to expand your reach on social media. No matter what type of video content you create, make sure it’s interesting and engaging so that people will want to watch it.  

Product Spotlights 

Spotlighting individual products or product lines is an effective way not only to increase engagement but also to boost sales by directing attention towards specific items that are available for purchase. And there are lots of different ways you can do product spotlights – from simply sharing photos or videos of the product in action to hosting live Q&A sessions with someone from your team who can answer questions about it. You could even do mini “tutorials” showing people how to use it or highlighting its features. Just get creative and have fun with it!  

By highlighting your products on social media, you’re giving followers an insight into what you offer and allowing them to see the value that comes with it. This not only helps create interest in the product but also encourages customers to make a purchase. Seeing how other people interact with and enjoy your products gives potential customers the assurance they need to make a purchase. Highlighting products on social media also encourages existing customers to engage more with your brand, as they’re reminded of how much they love it. Posting product spotlights and reviews are a great way to show off what you have to offer and increase engagement levels across all your channels. 

Use Timely Hashtags 

Hashtags are a great way to reach new people who might be interested in your brand but don’t yet follow you. And using timely or trending hashtags is a great way to get even more eyes on your content. For example, if there’s a big event happening that’s relevant to your industry, like #FashionWeek or #rugbyleaguefinal, use those hashtags in your posts so people searching for that topic will see your content. Just be sure not to go overboard – using too many hashtags can make your content seem spammy. Whether you’re looking to start a conversation or join an existing one, timely hashtags are the key to making sure that your message is seen by the right people. 

What’s The Next Step?

By incorporating some of the above tips, you have the capacity to completely transform your social media platforms. Increasing social media engagement is important for businesses because it helps to build brand awareness, attract new customers, and strengthen relationships with existing ones. 

To learn more or to discuss some of these strategies further, CLICK HERE to claim your 3-step digital marketing Action Plan. By doing so, you will be meeting with a Digital Marketing Specialist to explore your digital marketing footprint and develop a 3-step Action Plan to start getting you results ASAP. 


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